October 2002 archive

TWF: Brave New World

There is a vast pyro display, ad the first TWF New Era PPV begins. The stage resembles a vast, futuristic building, with several lights that illustrate the building’s detail. About half way up the structure, there is an alcove, in which two rotating metal globes are suspended, themselves flanked by two futuristically dressed, albeit scantily …

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TWF Fuel 03

As the lights come up in the arena, there is a brief pyro display, before Symphony of Destruction hits and Real Deal saunters to the ring, with a determined look on his face. He grabs the microphone from ring announcer Terry Bollea, and for the 3rd week running, addresses the crowd. “You know something? I …

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TWF Fuel 02

As the lights rise in the arena, Symphony of Destruction blasts out, and Deal makes his entrance, once more decked out in shirt and tie. He grabs the microphone from the ring announcer, and stares out at the capacity crowd for a few moments before speaking. “I’ve got a few things I’d like to say, …

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TWF Fuel 01

Broadcast begins. The lights come up in the huge TWF arena. Nobody knows what to expect and who will be present. All of a sudden, the arena becomes a mass of flashing red and white light, as War, the entrance music of the Real Deal, blasts through the arena. The audience erupt en masse in …

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