January 2003 archive

TWF Fuel 11

Once the familiar fuel intro has finished we cut strait to the intimidating settings of a court of law. The camera zooms on the judge as he addresses the members of public and the twf cameras. The judge goes on to explain that Simon priors contract does clearly state that whilst in effect Mr prior …

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TWF Fuel 10

The intro finishes, and business picks up straight away as “I Just Wanna Be God” hits the speakers, followed by the arrival of Adam Phillips. He walks over to the official’s table at ringside, picks up a mike, and climbs into the ring. He waits a few moments, allowing the crowd to quieten down somewhat, …

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TWF Fuel 09

Due to the court proceedings between Adam Phillips and Real Deal, the TWF was unable to broadcast for the Christmas period, as investigations were taking place into all of those involved in the company. As the crowd take this information in, Ax’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring, carrying his as …

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