February 2003 archive

TWF Fuel 15

The pyro begins, soon after Simon Prior’s music hits, he gets a great reaction from the crowd. As he starts to speak he pauses for a while so nobody in the audience misses his important speech. “I have been wrestling for a number of years now and I have found out there are very few …

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TWF Fuel 14

After the intro, Gets me Through hits and Adam Phillips enters. However Adam is not alone, Reaper and Vayne also accompany Adam. To everyone’s amazement they are also joined by Spitfire, in a suit, which causes the crowd to start chanting ‘You Sold Out!’. Once in the ring Adam picks up a mike: “Look at …

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TWF Fuel 13

After footage of last weeks Fuel and the usual pyro display finishes, Gets me Through by Ozzy Osbourne hits and out walks a cocky looking Adam Phillips (smiling) accompanied by TWF champion Reaper and they are then followed by Vayne. They get into the ring and Adam picks up a mike: “As I said last …

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TWF Fuel 12

After clips from Revelations 2003 end, The new intro to Fuel, along with it’s new theme music Fueled by Anthrax begins, after the new intro we cut to the arena and pyro fills the entrance way. As the music fades Gets me Through by Ozzy Osbourne hits and after the creepy piano intro finishes and …

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TWF Revelations

In one of the most intimidating introductions to a TWF event ever seen, black and white clouds and lightning are shown and the words Revelations 21:7 appear, and then an eerie voice reads the following passage, to a quiet choir singing in the background. “when the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from …

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