August 2004 archive

TWF Xtreme 07

The entrance video for Xtreme plays in the arena, featuring a collage of various shots of the TWF roster, each man circled by the camera followed by explosions of varying degree. The intro video ends with a final, larger explosion as we cut to the arena and a series of fireworks on the ramp-way.  MATCH …

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TWF Xtreme 06

The show begins in usual style, and we get straight underway with the first match of the evening. MATCH 1 – Real Deal & The Game VS Flake and Huge Greenburger Deal moves over to the outside of the apron, telling The Game that he’ll be starting the match against Flake. The bell rings and …

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TWF Xtreme 05

The show gets off to a quick start following the intro sequence as Simon Prior makes his way towards the ring, microphone in hand. “First of all I’d just like to say that I am shocked and appalled by the actions of many of our roster at Against All Odds this past Sunday. Not only …

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TWF: Against All Odds

Main Event for the TWF World Championship: Sean Harrison VS Vayne First Blood Match: Real Deal VS Dirty Dipako “Strength Against Strength” “The Stud” Gary Matthews VS The Player 2-1 Handicap Match The Game VS Flake & Huge Greenburger Following the copyright notice, we see the introduction video for Against All Odds. It features a …

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TWF Xtreme 04

The intro sequence for Xtreme plays, showing a collage of all the TWF Superstars and ending with an explosion that reveals the Xtreme logo. We cut to the arena, where the first match is set to get underway. MATCH 1 – Dirty Dipako VS The Stud Dipako attacks first, hitting The Stud with a spear …

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