Generation 1 – Matches

TWF Tape 1

Champions going into a match indicated by bold lettering.

Raw 1

The Game VS The Rock = The Rock
(No.1 contenders match, Guest referee Vince McMahon)

Smackdown 1

The Game VS Vince McMahon = Vince McMahon
(Corporate title, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Veal VS The Rock VS Hacksaw = Veal
(World title, Guest referee Vince McMahon)

Raw 2

Crash Holly VS Veal VS Damind = Veal
(Triple Threat, Hardcore title)
The Game VS Hacksaw = The Game
(Corporate title match, Guest referee Vince McMahon)
The Rock VS Vince McMahon = The Rock
(Hell in a House match, Guest referee Hacksaw – If Rock wins, he enters World title free for all)
The Rock, Hacksaw, Crash Holly, Veal, Damind, Vince McMahon = Vince McMahon
(World title, Free for all, Guest referee Joey McMahon)

TWF Wrestlemania 2000

Kane VS Hacksaw = Kane
(Hardcore title, Guest referee Vince McMahon)
Vince McMahon
VS Huge Greenburger = Vince McMahon
(World title, “Lie Down and Cry” match)
Vince McMahon
VS The Rock = Vince 100% ownership, Rock World title
(100% ownership, World title, Guest referee Joey McMahon)

Smackdown 2

Kane VS The Game = The Game
(Corporate title)
Veal VS Blizzard VS Spine Chiller VS Psycho = Veal
(Four Corners Elimination, Cruiserweight title)
Kane, Hacksaw, Veal, The Rock, The Game, Spine Chiller, Blizzard, Psycho = Blizzard
(Free for all)
The Rock
VS Hacksaw = The Rock
(World title, No Holds Barred)

Raw 3

Damind VS The Rock VS The Game = Damind
(Universal title match, Guest referee Hacksaw)
The Rock & The Game VS Hacksaw & Joey McMahon
(Joey injured, replaced by Damind) = Hacksaw and Damind
(Tag Team title match, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Hardy Boyz VS Kane = Kane
(2-1 Handicap, Hardcore title)
Classic Match:-
The Rock VS The Game = The Rock
(World title match, Guest referee Damind)
The Game VS Vince McMahon = Vince McMahon
(Hell in a House match)

Raw 4

Joey McMahon VS Shane McMahon VS Vince McMahon = Joey McMahon
(Triple Threat, Corporate title, Ladder match)

TWF Tape 2

TWF Judgement Day

Hacksaw VS Dude Vince = Dude Vince, 2-1
(2/3 falls, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Dude Vince VS The Undertaker = The Undertaker
Shane McMahon VS Kane = Shane McMahon
(Hardcore title match)
The Rock
VS The Game = The Game, 7-6
(1 Hour Iron-man match, World title, Guest referee Hacksaw)

Raw 5

Hacksaw VS Vince Michaels = Hacksaw
(Guest referee Joey McMahon)
The Rock VS Veal, Spine Chiller & Blizzard = The Rock
(3-1 Handicap Elimination match)
Browndust VS The Undertaker = The Undertaker
(Guest referee Joey McMahon)

Smackdown 3

Hacksaw VS “Stone Cold” Vince McMahon = Hacksaw
(Hacksaw’s last match, Guest referee The Rock)

TWF Rock Bottom

Fallen Angel VS Veal = Fallen Angel
(Corporate title match, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Vince McMahon VS The Undertaker = The Undertaker
(First Blood match)
The Rock VS The Game = The Rock
(World title match, Falls Anywhere, Guest referee Hacksaw)

Raw 6

Vince McMahon VS Shane McMahon = Double KO
(Hardcore title match, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Vince McMahon & The Rock VS Shane McMahon & The Undertaker = Vince and Rock
Fallen Angel VS The Undertaker = The Undertaker
(No.1 contenders match, Guest referee Shane McMahon)

Smackdown 4

Damind VS Fallen Angel VS Shane McMahon = Shane McMahon
(Triple Threat, Hardcore title match)
Vince McMahon VS Huge Greenburger = Huge Greenburger
(Last Man Standing & Crying match)
Vince McMahon VS The Game = Vince McMahon
(Retirement match, two referees)
Huge Greenburger & Vince McMahon VS Shane McMahon = Greenburger & Vince
(2-1 “Tied at the Wrist” Handicap match, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
The Undertaker VS Real Deal = Real Deal
(World title match, Guest referee Vince McMahon)

TWF Brutal Planet

Veal VS Damind = Damind
(Universal title match)
Stone Cold VS Smash = Stone Cold
(Intercontinental title match)
Sexual Greenburger VS Fallen Angel = Sexual Greenburger
(Grudge match)
The Big Show VS Ax = Double count-out
Real Deal
VS Fallen Angel VS The Undertaker = The Undertaker
(Triple Threat Elimination, World title match)
Shane McMahon VS Joey McMahon VS Vince McMahon = Vince and Joey McMahon
(Triple Threat 100% Ownership match, Guest referee Real Deal)

TWF Tape 3

Raw 7

Smash VS Shane McMahon = Smash
(Hardcore title)
Ax VS Big Show VS Stone Cold = Stone Cold
(Triple Threat, Intercontinental title)
Shane McMahon and Big Show VS The Rock and Vince McMahon = The Rock and Vince McMahon
(Guest referee Joey McMahon)

Smackdown 5

Crash and Hardcore Holly VS Hardy Boyz VS Demolition = Hardy Boyz
(Triple Threat Elimination, Tag Team Title)
Big Show VS Stone Cold = Double Disqualification
(Intercontinental title, Guest referee Real Deal)
Shane McMahon VS Vince McMahon = Shane McMahon
(Guest referee The Rock)
Real Deal VS Fallen Angel = Real Deal
The Rock VS The Undertaker = The Undertaker
(World Title, Guest referee Vince McMahon)

Raw 8

Smash VS Fallen Angel = Smash
(Hardcore title)
Shane McMahon VS Ax = Ax
(Guest referee The Rock)
Big Show VS Real Deal = Real Deal
The Rock and The Undertaker VS Vince McMahon and Big Show = Big Show and Vince McMahon

TWF Summerslam

Ax VS Smash = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Big Show VS The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin = Big Show
(Intercontinental title, Guest referee Vince McMahon.)
Real Deal VS Vince McMahon = The Real Deal
(Street fight, Guest referee Shawn Michaels)
Shane McMahon VS The Undertaker = Shane McMahon
(World title, Vince McMahon Guest referee)

Raw 9

Smash VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Chris Jericho, Big Show and Real Deal VS Vince and Shane McMahon = Vince and Shane McMahon
(Three on two, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Vince McMahon VS Stone Cold = Stone Cold
(50% Ownership match, Guest referee The Undertaker)
The Undertaker VS Shane McMahon = The Undertaker
(World title, Guest referee Vince McMahon)

Smackdown 6

Chris Jericho VS Ax = Chris Jericho
(Hardcore title)
DX VS Corporation = DX
Stone Cold VS The Rock VS The Undertaker VS Big Show = The Undertaker
(World title, Fatal Four way, Guest referee Vince McMahon)

TWF Tape 4

TWF Civil War

Vince McMahon VS Chris Jericho = Chris Jericho
(Hardcore title)
Fallen Angel VS The Rock = The Rock
Real Deal VS Big Show = Big Show
(Intercontinental title, 2 out of 3 falls)
Real Deal VS Vince McMahon VS Big Show VS Undertaker VS Rock = Rock
(5 Way Elimination, World title, Guest referee Joey McMahon)

Smackdown 7

Fallen Angel VS Real Deal = Fallen Angel
(Fallen Angel gets 60 seconds with Joey if he wins.)
Chris Jericho
VS Huge Greenburger = Huge Greenburger
(Hardcore title)
Fallen Angel VS Joey McMahon = Fallen Angel
(60 seconds match)
Shane McMahon VS Stone Cold = Stone Cold
Vince McMahon VS Undertaker = Vince McMahon
(Corporate title, Guest referee Real Deal)
Real Deal VS Undertaker = Real Deal
(World title, Guest referee Shawn Michaels)

Raw 10

Joey McMahon VS Huge Greenburger = Joey McMahon
(Hardcore title)
Vince McMahon
VS The Game = The Game
(Corporate title, Guest referee Huge Greenburger)
Stone Cold VS Fallen Angel = Fallen Angel
(No Disqualification)
Shane McMahon VS Chris Jericho = Double Pin, so a draw
(No 1 contenders match for Intercontinental title)
Ax VS Undertaker VS Real Deal VS Rock = Real Deal
(World title, Fatal 4-way Ladder match)

Smackdown 8

Huge Greenburger VS The Game = The Game
Fallen Angel VS Undertaker = Fallen Angel
Shane McMahon & Fallen Angel VS Stone Cold = Shane McMahon & Fallen Angel
(2-1 Handicap match)
Ax VS Real Deal = Real Deal
(World title, Hardcore rules)

Raw 11

Fallen Angel VS The Game = Fallen Angel
Shane McMahon VS Stone Cold = Stone Cold
(World title No 1 contenders match, Guest referee Real Deal)
Real Deal
VS Undertaker = Real Deal
(World title)

TWF Tape 5

Smackdown 9

Shane McMahon VS Ax = Double KO
(Hardcore No.1 contenders match, Guest referee Joey McMahon)
Chris Jericho VS Real Deal = Real Deal
(World title)
Fallen Angel & The Rock VS Undertaker & The Game = Fallen Angel & The Rock
Stone Cold VS Ax, Jericho, Shane, Fallen Angel, The Game, The Rock, Real Deal = Real Deal
(Gauntlet match, guest referee Real Deal, then quickly The Rock)

TWF Revelations

Shane McMahon VS Fallen Angel = Shane McMahon
(IC Tournament Semi Final)
Jerry Lawler VS Jericho = Jericho
(IC Tournament Semi Final)
Ax VS Shane McMahon VS Joey McMahon = Ax
(Triple threat, Hardcore title)
The Game VS Fallen Angel = The Game
(Last Man Standing Strangulation match)
Jericho VS Shane McMahon = Jericho
(IC Tournament Final)
The Rock VS Undertaker = The Rock
Real Deal
VS Stone Cold = Real Deal
(World title)

Smackdown 10

Huge Greenburger VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Shane McMahon VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title 24/7)
The Game VS Undertaker = The Game
Fallen Angel VS Stone Cold VS Real Deal = Real Deal
(Triple threat, world title, 15 minute time limit – winner is one who got last pin.)

Raw 12

Ax VS Shane McMahon and Joey McMahon = Ax
(Hardcore title 24/7)
Undertaker VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Stone Cold VS Ax [VS Shane McMahon] = Ax
(Hardcore title 24/7)
Real Deal
VS Vince McMahon = Vince McMahon
(World title, Guest referee Joey McMahon)

Smackdown 11

Fallen Angel VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Fallen Angel and Shane McMahon VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(2-1 Handicap match)
Vince McMahon
VS Shane McMahon = Vince McMahon
(World title, Guest referee Stone Cold)
Real Deal VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)

TWF Tape 6

TWF Hallowed Be Thy Name

Shane McMahon VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Shane McMahon VS Fallen Angel VS Jericho = Shane leadership, Jericho IC title.
(Intercontinental title [pin fall], Leadership of DX [ladder]
Vince McMahon VS Real Deal = Vince McMahon
(Winner is referee in main event.)
Jerry Lawler VS Huge Greenburger = Huge Greenburger
(Loser performs oral sex to Sensational Sherri)
Stone Cold VS The Game = The Game, 1-2
(World title, 2 out of 3 falls, Guest referee Vince McMahon)
Undertaker VS The Rock = Undertaker
(Last Man Standing Strap Match, Guest referee Shane McMahon)

Raw 13 – The Rock’s Tribute Show – Rock is War

Jericho VS Jerry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
(Intercontinental title)

Smackdown 12

Jericho and Shane McMahon VS Ax = Ax
(2-1 Handicap match, Hardcore title)
Fallen Angel VS Real Deal = Real Deal
The Game
VS “Big” Vince McMahon = The Game
(World title)

Raw 14

Jericho and Shane McMahon VS Ax and Smash = Ax and Smash
Fallen Angel VS Jerry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
(Intercontinental title)
Vince and Joey McMahon VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(2-1 Handicap match)
Real Deal VS The Game = The Game
(World title, Guest referees Vince McMahon and Stone Cold.)

Smackdown 13

Jericho VS Ax = Ax
(Hardcore title)
Fallen Angel and Stone Cold VS Real Deal and The Game = Real Deal and The Game
Vince McMahon VS Shane McMahon and Jericho = Shane and Jericho
(2-1 Handicap match)
Smash VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(Number 1 Contenders match)

TWF Tape 7

Raw 15

Smash VS Shane McMahon = Smash
Jerry Lawler
VS Real Deal = Jerry Lawler
(Intercontinental title)
Fallen Angel VS Jericho = Fallen Angel
(No 1 Contenders match – winner goes on to Wrestlemania 2001 Main Event.)
Vince McMahon VS Huge Greenburger = Vince McMahon
Ax VS The Game = The Game
(World title)

TWF Wrestlemania 2001

Jerry Lawler VS Jericho = Jericho
(Intercontinental title)
Smash VS Shane McMahon VS Ax = Shane McMahon
(Triple Threat, Hardcore title)
Grand Master Greenburger VS Kurt Angle = Kurt Angle
Real Deal VS Shawn Michaels = Shawn Michaels
(Winner becomes new Commissioner)
Gimmick Battle Royal = Iron Sheik
Crush VS Michikapa Tapoo (or Toshiba Rankapoo) = Crush
(Winner gets TWF contract, Guest referee Brooklyn Brawler)
Fallen Angel VS Undertaker VS The Game = Fallen Angel
(Triple Threat, World title)
Vince and Joey McMahon VS Stone Cold = Stone Cold
(2-1, 100% Ownership match)

Raw 16

Ax VS Kurt Angle = Kurt Angle
Smash VS Crush = Crush
(Guest referee Ax)
The Game VS Jericho = Jericho
(Intercontinental title)
Vince McMahon VS Shane and Joey McMahon = Shane and Joey McMahon
(2-1 Handicap match)

Smackdown 14

Kurt Angle VS Shane McMahon VS Smash = Shane McMahon
(24/7, Triple threat, Hardcore title)
Real Deal VS Fallen Angel = Fallen Angel
(World title)

Raw 17

Real Deal VS The Game = The Game

TWF Tape 8

TWF Judgement Day 2001

Crush VS Shane McMahon = Shane McMahon
(Hardcore title)
Smash VS Chris Jericho = Smash, as Jericho didn’t turn up…
(Intercontinental title)
Jerry Lawler VS Kurt Angle = Jerry Lawler, as Angle didn’t turn up…
Vince McMahon & The Game VS Stone Cold & Joey McMahon = Stone Cold & Joey McMahon
Fallen Angel
VS Undertaker VS Real Deal = Undertaker, 7-6-6
(Triple Threat, Iron Man Match, World title, Guest referee Shawn Michaels)

Raw 18

Smash VS Fallen Angel = Smash
(Intercontinental title)
Joey McMahon VS Ax = Joey McMahon
Vince McMahon VS Huge Greenburger = Huge Greenburger
(RiverDance match, Guest referee Stone Cold)
Stone Cold VS Big Show = Big Show
Vince McMahon VS Real Deal VS Undertaker = Real Deal
(Triple Threat, non-title match)

Smackdown 15

Kurt Angle VS The Game = Draw
(Number 1 contenders match)
Vince McMahon, Smash & Big Show VS Shane McMahon, Stone Cold & Chris Jericho = Austin’s team
(6 man tag)
Real Deal VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(World title)

Raw 19

Crush VS Big Show = Big Show
Kurt Angle VS The Game VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(Triple Threat, World title)

TWF Tape 9

TWF Brutal Planet 2001

Crush VS Jerry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
(Match for the love of Sensational Sherry, Guest referee Huge Greenburger)
VS Ax = Ax
(Intercontinental title)
Vince McMahon VS Stone Cold = Vince McMahon
(Anywhere Falls match [Pinned man has 20 seconds to get back into the ring], 100% Ownership match)
Joey McMahon VS Big Show VS Real Deal VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(Fatal 4 Way Elimination, World title)

Raw 20

Ax & Kurt Angle VS Crush & Shane McMahon = Crush & Shane McMahon

Smackdown 16

Shane McMahon VS Ax = Shane McMahon
(Intercontinental title, hardcore rules)
Vince McMahon VS Shane McMahon = Shane McMahon
VS Kurt Angle = Undertaker
(World title)

Raw 21

Joey McMahon VS Shane McMahon = Shane McMahon
(Hardcore title)
Ax VS Kurt Angle = Ax
Vince McMahon VS The Game = The Game

TWF End of Days

Jerry Lawler VS Big Show = Big Show
Shane McMahon VS Kurt Angle = Shane Hardcore title, Kurt Angle IC title and the match
(Guest referees Ax & Smash, 2/3 falls, 1st fall Hardcore title, 2nd fall Submission, 3rd fall First Blood, changed to Finisher, IC title)
Stone Cold VS The Game = The Game
(Retirement Match, Guest referee Vince McMahon)
Vince McMahon VS Joey McMahon = Vince McMahon
(Street Fight)
The Game VS Kurt Angle VS Real Deal VS Undertaker = Undertaker
(World title Elimination, Guest referee Vince McMahon)