Generation 3 Roster: Sean Harrison

Name – Sean Harrison
Height – 6’5″
Weight – 265Ib
Home Town – Snelville, GA
Entrance Music – “I Will Fight Alone” by Firewind

Background – Spent the first few months of his career competing in the now defunct 4sw.  He won their television title on their last show.  Has decided to pursue a career elsewhere to prove to the world that he is the best.  He’s a skilled technical wrestler and submission specialist, who can also go hardcore if need be. Has a seriously bad temper.

Appearance – Big muscular man with medium length wavy brown hair and a goatee.  Wears long tights.  Has a nasty scar on his chest.

– Technical/Submission wrestling with some power and hardcore tactics

– Belly to Belly Suplex, Executioner (Moonsault Elbow Drop), Springboard Clothesline to Arena floor, Ankle Lock, Dragon Sleeper, Dragon Screw Leg Whip, Top Rope Elbow Drop, Chairshot, Low Blow, Figure Four Leg Lock, Jujigatamae Armbar, Super Kick, Dragon Suplex, Powerbomb, DDT, Double-Arm DDT, T-bone Suplex, Choke Slam, Roundhouse Kick, Clothesline

Finishing Move(s)
– Attitude Adjustment (Half-Nelson Chicken-wing Suplex into Bridge), Difference Maker (Vertical Suplex into DDT), Cross Choke Hold (Choke Hold, with the left hand on the right wrist, Body Scissors combination from behind).